Managing Chaos

Managing Chaos

This past month has been a doozy, with scattered, creative and ungrounded energies abounding. Seemingly, it's never been so easy to be confused and feel untethered. As the pace of life continuously shifts, it can wreak havoc with our routines and attempts to organize....

Act Of Reciprocity

Act Of Reciprocity

There are specific locales on Earth that hold great power, contain the ability to heal and can quicken the awakening process. These areas, sometimes referred to as power spots, act as portals to the spirit world and often reside near natural expressions of beauty such...

10 ways to support essential-self expression

10 ways to support essential-self expression

Expression is derived from Latin and means to ‘press out’. Expression is an impulse of energy, a movement from a potential state of being into a kinetic state, from the unmanifest to the manifest. Expression can be mental and take the form of words through all manner...

Awakening to Pachamama Consciousness

Awakening to Pachamama Consciousness

We live in complex and chaotic times, the pulse of life intense and unrelenting. Many are suffering and in the throes of unprecedented crisis. People we know or work with are dealing with karmic lessons around survival/money/homelessness, ending long term...



We're on day 19 of our 40 day meditation for peace. The intention behind the 40 day meditation for peace is to make a positive contribution to the collective consciousness, understanding that we are all are connected and all is impacted by our inner harmony (or...



It is impossible to be truly present or at peace if you are harboring anger or resentment about past injustices. Forgiveness is a most powerfully elevating practice that cleanses and unburdens. Most famously, Jesus' primary teachings were about the healing capacity of...